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Faculty of Biology


The Faculty of Biology Unestablished Appointments and Promotions Committee

The FB Unestablished Appointments and Promotions Committee makes appointments and promotions to the following posts:

-          Senior Research Associate (SRA)

-          Temporary University Lectureships

It also makes recommendations for appointments to Director of Research and Principal Research Associate.  Note that promotion to these positions are now considered annually with Academic Career Pathways paperwork.

Finally, it will consider Affiliate Professors (equivalent to Grade 11 or Grade 12) or Affiliate Associate Professors (equivalent to Grade 9 or Grade 10).

Meetings are held immediate following meeting of the Council of the School of the Biological Science.

For 2024-25 the following dates have been set:

Michaelmas: Monday 21 October 2024, Monday 25 November 2024

Lent: Monday 27 January 2025, Monday 24 March 2025

Easter: Monday 19 May 2025, Monday 7 July 2025

For SRA appointments or promotions Departments are asked to email a CV and publication list, two references and a supporting letter from the Head of Department to the Secretary a week before the meeting.  Any application that does not come through the Head of Department will be referred back to them.

For Affiliate Professors Departments are asked to email:
      A letter of recommendation from the Head of Department (maximum 1/2 page A4)
      A Personal Statement from the Applicant (maximum 2 pages A4)
      A Curriculum Vitae
      A Publication List
      3 Referees (at least 2 external to the University) for an Affiliate Professor
      2 Referees (at least 1 external to the University) for an Affiliate Associate Professor

to the Secretary.
