Welcome Medical Students (2024-25)!
Please note that details are still being finalised for these sessions and further information will be confirmed via email in due course.
You will find below information regarding your first week at Cambridge.
You will receive, by email, a welcome letter detailing your set, and how to access the online timetables. Please check your @cam email account.
The documents below make up the Freshers Pack, which you must read carefully and print off as necessary.
Computer Specifications:
The Faculty of Biology have issued specifications to help you choose a suitable device, costs of new devices will depend on choice, but existing devices, if less than four years old, are likely to be fine. These specifications can be found on the Costs of Studying Medicine at Cambridge webpage. If students are in financial difficulties, they can reach out to their college.
Occupational Health Information 2024
Individual Occupational Health appointments will be running from the beginning of Michaelmas term (see your welcome letter)
For Your Appointment
Please read the information page on the Occupational Health website and print and complete the following forms which you should bring to your appointment:
It is extremely important that you attend your Occupational Health Appointment, if you realise that your scheduled appointment clashes with a timetabled session then please contact the Occupational Health Service to rearrange, otherwise this appointment should take priority over other society/college commitments, including supervisions.
Signing of the Medical Students Register
You will be asked to formally sign the Medical Student Register and the MSC Database Permission form online via Moodle our VLE, further information will be in your welcome letter.
Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th October 2024
11:00-17:00 on the 8th October and 11:00-15:00 on the 9th October Molecules in Medical Science (MiMS) Lab-coat session
This is a drop-in session occuring. Please attend at a time avoiding other course and college commitments.
If you are a Cambridge Graduate Course student (CGC) you should attend the sessions on the Wednesday, if you are a Standard Course student, you can attend on either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on your other commitments
Molecules in Medical Science (MIMS) flyer (includes directions to venue)
Wednesday 9th October 2024
09:00-13:00 Functional Architecture of the Body (FAB) Induction sessions, Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Anatomy Building, Downing Site (Map to the Anatomy Building)
Functional Architecture of the Body (FAB) flyer
14:00-15:30 General Medic Induction, Babbage Lecture Theatre, New Museums Site (Map to the Babbage LT)
MedST/VetST Induction Programme
15:30-16:00 General Induction for Medics and Vets, Babbage Lecture Theatre, New Museums Site (Map to the Babbage LT)
MedST/VetST Induction Programme
Thursday 10th October 2024
14:00-15:00 Academic Induction for Medics and Vets, Babbage Lecture Theatre, New Museums Site (Map to the Babbage LT)
MedST/VetST Induction Programme
You should consult your timetable for lectures after Friday 4th October but please be aware there is a further introductory session on:
Wednesday 16th October 2024
12:00 Preparing for Patients Introduction session
Preparing for Patients (PfP) flyer
Friday 11th October 24, 13:00pm to 16:00pm, Downing Place Church.
MedSoc Fresher's Fair.
An exciting opportunity for incoming medics to meet your MedSoc team. Not only can you sign up for our membership (a free t-shirt included!), you can also meet other medical societies (e.g. Medical Humanities society, speciality societies, charity initiatives + many more!) and some of our sponsors (BMA, MDU, MPS). Most importantly, there will be lots of freebies to collect! We are extremely excited to hold this event in person this year. You can check out our Facebook pages through this link: https://linktr.ee/cammedsoc. Give them a like to see more information when we post it and to join our freshers chats and your year groups Facebook page as well as a bunch of other exciting stuff!
Further Information
Black Advisory Hub: First Year Induction Programme 2024
The Black Advisory Hub is excited to host this year's First Year Induction programme! This programme was designed in response to student consultation with the BAH student teams and the Access & Participation Plan Participatory Action Research student researchers, who noted that incoming Black students would value an opportunity to network and be informed about Cambridge resources and support services before they arrive at the University. As a result, this induction programme is open to all incoming Black-identifying students, whether undergraduate or postgraduate, domestic or international.
Basic Principles of First Aid
All MedST students will attend a compulsory First Aid Course in Lent term 2024, to gain practical skills to deal with emergencies. The content of the course may include how to deal with the following:
- Recovery position
- BLS with AED
- Choking
- Anaphylactic reaction
- Burns
- How to bandage a wound
- How to apply arm slings
- Haemorrhages
Travel and Transport
Contacting the Faculty Office
You can email us at FacBiol@admin.cam.ac.uk if you have any questions.