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Medical Student sitting 1

General Information

Information for prospective students in Medicine at Cambridge can be found on the following webpages:

Your health while at Cambridge

We make every effort to support students with disabilities and we work closely with students, Occupational Health and the Disability Resources Centre to ensure that students are not disadvantaged. If you have a medical condition or disability that you think may affect your fitness to practise as a doctor, or that you think may be difficult to accommodate, then your should contact Occupational Health or the Disability Resource Centre for confidential advice before applying.

There are a variety of sources of support for students within Colleges, the wider University and externally. In your College, these include tutors, directors of studies, supervisors, student mentors, nurses and chaplains. The University also hosts a Counselling Service.


Disabled students/students with a disability and Medicine

The University of Cambridge respects and adheres to the values set out for Medical Schools by the GMC in Welcomed and valued - their guidance about supporting disabled learners in their study of medicine.  In your first three years, support is arranged primarily via your college and the ADRC; the School of Clinical Medicine additionally employs a Student Academic Support Lead from amongst the academic faculty to facilitate learning for disabled students/students with all forms of disability on the Clinical course.


Disclosure and Barring Service

All offers of a place to study Medicine or Veterinary Medicine for UK students will be subject to a satisfactory Enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Check. You will be sent the relevant forms to complete if you are offered a place. Overseas students will be asked to provide similar evidence as available.

Your arrival at Cambridge

Once you have accepted an offer to study Medicine at Cambridge, you will receive information from your College and from the Faculty of Biology to prepare your arrival. Visit our freshers webpages to know more about how to prepare and what to expect during your first week.