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Medical Students in Lecture Theatre 1

Course Structure


Year Standard-Entry Course Affiliated Course Graduate Entry Course
Year 1 Medical Sciences Medical Sciences Medical Sciences
Year 2
Clinical Medicine
Year 3 Part II course Clinical Medicine
Year 4 Clinical Medicine
Year 5  
Year 6    

Course content

1st Year: MedST Part IA

Functional Architecture of the Body: Topographical and clinically applied anatomy through cadaveric dissection.

Histology: Microscopic structure of cells and tissues, with emphasis on the correlation between structure and function.

Homeostasis: Physiological systems which underpin the body's regulation if its internal environment and its responses to external threats.

Foundations of Evidence Based Practice: Introduction to epidemiology and statistic in medical sciences.

Molecules in Medical Sciences: Principles of biochemistry and medical genetics.

Preparing for Patients: Visits to GP surgeries, hospitals, community-based health-related agency, and meetings with a pregnant woman and her family.

Social and Ethical Context of Health and Illness: Cultural aspects of healthcare.

2nd Year: MedST Part IB

Biology of Disease: All aspects of disease, including knowledge of the causes and effects of disease, and the organisms response to disease.

Head and Neck Anatomy: Understanding of the structure and organisation of the human head and neck, with a focus on the relationship of structure to function.

Human Reproduction: Scientific basis for understanding how we reproduce: a fundamental element of our survival as a species.

Mechanisms of Drug Action: Basic mechanisms of drug action at the levels of both drug-receptor interactions and the effects on body systems.

Neurobiology and Human Behaviour: Structure and function of the central nervous system, basic principles of neurobiology and basis for common neurological and behavioural problems.

Preparing for Patients: Visits to GP surgeries, hospitals, community-based health-related agency, and meetings with a pregnant woman and her family.

3rd Year: Part II

Year 3 is a year of specialist study into one of a wide range of subjects on offer at the University of Cambridge. It is a unique opportunity to explore interests outside the typical medicine curriculum. Options vary from more science-related subjects such as Pathology or History and Philosophy of Science, to less science-related disciplines such as Philosophy or Management Studies. The Preparing for Patients module continues throughout the year to maintain patient contact. At the end of this year, you receive a BA degree.

4th - 6th Years: Clinical Medicine

4th Year: Core Clinical Practice

5th Year: Specialist Clinical Practice

6th Year: Applied Clinical Practice


The Anatomy course


Dr Matthew Mason, one of our lecturers, recipient of the Pilkington Prize



Open Day 2021 Medicine Slides