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Neurobiology is the result of an interdepartmental collaboration between three departments:

  • Physiology, Development & Neuroscience
  • Psychology
  • Zoology

The course aims to give a contemporary account of what is widely believed to be the biggest question facing science: how does the brain allow us to perceive and interact with the world, and what causes these processes to go wrong? We know that even "simpler" nervous systems outperform the most advanced computing and robotic systems, but we are unsure why. The need to address these questions is evidenced by the current "big science" projects funded by the European Union (the billion Euro "Human Brain Project") and the US government (the billion dollar "BRAIN project").


Lecture and practical handouts will be available on Moodle.

There are three lectures each week, on Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday, at 12 noon, delivered in the Anatomy Lecture Theatre.

In addition there are practical classes each week, organised as one session of 3 hours (on either Thursday or Tuesday afternoon, 2–5 pm). You should have been allocated to one each of these sessions during the NST IB registration process; if not, please contact the Chief Technician in the Physiology Building, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience.


The lecture course begins at the cellular and molecular level with the electrical and chemical properties of individual neurons. It then turns to synaptic transmission between neurons. The rest of the Michaelmas term examines the major sensory systems in turn, starting with hearing, then vision, olfaction and taste, and finally somatosensation and pain. Lent Term begins with lectures on the development of the nervous system, followed by the motor system, including sensorimotor integration; synaptic plasticity, and the mechanisms of motivation and emotion. Easter term lectures are devoted to memory and language and other higher functions of the nervous system. 

Practical classes

A wide range of experimental techniques and approaches will be explored in the practical classes. These include computer simulations of neurons and synapses; hearing, vision and somatosensation; neural development in zebra fish and C. elegans model systems; human motor function; electrophysiological recordings from insect nerves; human brain anatomy and histology; brain imaging; and neuropsychological assessment. The practical classes provide hands-on experience of experimental techniques used in neurobiology including microscopy and neuronal staining methods, electrophysiology (including electrical stimulation and recordings of your own nerves and muscles), optogenetics, and cognitive assessment. 
Most of the practical classes are held in either the Experimental Class¬room or the Histology Classroom in the Physiology Building, but some are held in classrooms in other departments where the appropriate apparatus is available.

Detailed information is available for staff and current students on Moodle including the course handbook, lecture and practical timetables, lecture handouts and the practical books.


The examination in 2023-2024 will be online and will comprise two written papers:

• A 3-hour paper, requiring four essay answers from a choice of questions.

• A 1.5-hour paper consisting of two sections. Section A (1 hr) will require short answers from material covering the lecture course. Section B (0.5 hrs) will require short answers from knowledge of the areas covered in the practical classes. Note that PBS students will only be required to complete section A.

Further details are available on the course Moodle site.



Course Organiser: Dr David Parker, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience.

Registration for Moodle: at practical registration.

Practical registration and Handouts: Chief Technician, Physiology Building, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience.