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Information for Supervisors

Email list

Please let CDB Course Administrator, have your full name and your @cam email address for inclusion on the mailing list of Supervisors for Part IB CDB. This will allow:

  • You to be registered on the Part IB Cell and Developmental Biology student Moodle site
  • You to be registered on the Part IB Cell and Developmental Biology Staff and Supervisors Moodle site
  • You will be added to the Part IB Cell and Developmental Biology email list for staff


Practical and Lecture Handouts

Part IB CDB is a paperless course. Handouts can be downloaded from the student Moodle site. 



For information about the structure of the examination and assessment criteria click here.

Copies of other previous examination papers can be accessed at the Cell and Developmental Biology Moodle site.

Note: The title of the course was changed to Cell and Developmental Biology in 2004. The title of the course in previous years was Molecular Cell Biology and this appears in the title of some past examination papers.


Moodle Site

  • A single access point to learning resources provided by registered courses
  • Secure access from Departmental, College and home computers
  • Email notification when resources are added during the year
  • Email notification of announcements relating to the course


  1. Go to the Moodle web site
  2. Click on the Raven Login button and enter your User-id and Password
  3. Click on the tab for NST IB: Cell and Developmental Biology
  4. The menus allow you access to: 
    * Course announcements 
    * Course syllabus and course materials
    * Recorded lectures and practicals
  5. By clicking on the link at the top right hand side of the page you can Logout from Moodle
  6. If you do not have a CRSID contact the Part IB Cell and Developmental Biology Administrator for an alternative login mechanism.

Learning Resources

The following student learning resources will be available from the IB Cell and Developmental Biology Moodle site:

  • Lecture material: recorded lectures as well as additional material such as Powerpoint presentations and notes provided by lecturers
  • Practical material: recorded practicals as well as additional material such as class results provided by practical class organisers
  • Past examination papers: electronic copies of examination papers from previous years
  • Consultative committee: minutes of meetings
  • Questionnaires: analysis of student questionnaires


Please send any comments about your experience of using the Moodle system to the Administrator.


Moodle Staff and Supervisor Site

A Cell and Developmental Biology Staff and Supervisors site has been created in Moodle which will provide access to:

  • A discussion forum for questions relating to the course
  • Email notification of items added to the discussion forums to which you are subscribed
  • Email notification from the Course Organisers of announcements relating to the course
  • Electronic copies of lecture and practical handouts where available
  • Solutions to past practical examination papers where available
  • Examiners reports
  • Teaching Guidance
  • University Policies and recording consent forms
  • Panopto links and guidance
  • Zoom Meeting details.


  1. Go to the Moodle web site
  2. Click on the Raven Login button and enter your User-id and Password
  3. Click on the tab for CDB Supervisors
  4. The menu on the left hand side of the page allows you access to 
    * Course announcements 
    * Course syllabus 
    * Course materials
  5. By clicking on the link at the top right hand side of the page you can Logout from Moodle
  6. If you do not have a CRSID contact the Part IB Cell and Developmental Biology Administrator for an alternative Login mechanism.


Please send any comments about your experience of using the system to the Administrator


Further Information and Feedback

We welcome your feedback on the structure and content of the course, which should be sent to the Chairman or Secretary of the Management Committee, to whom requests for further information should also be made.